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I’m back

Hello, all! Sorry I went so long without an update. I was a bit busy GETTING MARRIED!

Photograph by Denise Cerniglia. The picture shows two women in lacy floor-length gowns standing by the shore of a lake near dusk. The woman on the left is slim and has light skin, short brown hair, and glasses. She is wearing a short-sleeved, high-necked black gown with a small train. The woman on the right is heavier, with light skin and long reddish-purple hair. She is wearing a lacy blue dress with a low neckline. On her head is a small silver headpiece or tiara. Her arms are around the other woman's waist. The women are looking at each other and look happy. In the background is a wooded hillside. The leaves on the trees are beginning to turn yellow and red.
Photo by Denise Cerniglia

In late October, Fran and I went to the US with her mom and two cousins for our wedding, which was held at the home of my mom and stepfather with a lot of our friends and family attending. We had a wonderful time and are really happy. I wish more of Fran’s family could have been with us, but we’re hoping to go to Sicily as soon as possible and have a reception with her friends and family there.

So… what haven’t I talked about while I was shopping and making moodboards?

The main thing is that I have another anthology publication to announce! Very belatedly, too. My story “The Angel” appeared in Literally Dead: Tales of Holiday Hauntings, edited by Gaby Triana and published by Alienhead Press. The book came out in late September (sorry, I was busy! see above) and can be purchased in paperback or Kindle edition here.

Book cover for 'Literally Dead: Tales of Holiday Hauntings.'

This is a horror anthology, but I did not have my horror boots on while I was writing this piece. My story features a lingering ghost who doesn’t approve of a family member’s life choices and starts to make problems around the holidays. A reader close to me described the tone as “warm.” But I loved writing it, and I hope you’ll love it, too.

Promotional image featuring a short author bio for Katherine Traylor, a headshot of the author backlit and smiling at the camera, and two copies of the anthology's cover (one in paperback and one displayed ona  tablet).
Look, it’s me! I feel very professional.

By the way, I mentioned this before but didn’t give you a link: another of my stories, “Sea People,” was recently published in the anthology Fish Gather to Listen by Horns & Rattles Press.

Cover image for 'Fish Gather to Listen.'

This is a horror anthology based around the sea, and my story is a slightly futuristic flash piece set in a seaside town. I’d love it if you’d check it out. I haven’t quite gotten through all the other stories, but the ones I’ve read have been terrific.

Have a lovely weekend, and dream of ghosts and spooky things–


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